Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Welcoming myself to blogging

I've heard so much about blogging, colleagues comment regularly on blogs and excitedly tell of the unique thoughts they've crafted for their next post. Hoping to give this a chance to get my thoughts out as I determine what my next steps are in life.

A recent grad, and newly professional life has been a series of expected and unexpected transitions over the last year and half. At 23, I've fallin' in love, established a career, survived two layoffs, lived alone for the first time, and am beginning to sketch out the picture I see for the future. Everyday I ask myself, did I do something meaningful and unfortunately, I believe most days I do not offer something meaningful to the world.

Coming from a college career filled with service and giving back, and regularly living the life of a community and respect, and now I feel unfulfilled. Feeling split between two goals, helping other and having a successful career by attaining an executive level position; how can I accomplish both?

Work becomes a challenge of interest and drive. Interest in the industry and product, and drive to be a true professional and succeed. How do you continue to do well with something you can't even force yourself to have an interest in? Is it simply, its a job, do it. Or, is it truly time to go in search of something else, something that challenges me to take risks and to wake my heart up to a more meaningful opportunity. Meaningful in a ways that enrich my spirit and happiness, but also empower me to drive my ambition and succeed.

Phrase of the week; empowerment of self, rock this.

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